Any person who pays property taxes can grieve an assessment, including:
- property owners
- purchasers
- tenants who are required to pay property taxes pursuant to a lease or written agreement
Only the assessment on the current tentative assessment roll can be grieved - you can't grieve assessments from prior years.
There is no cost to grieve an assessment and it does not require you to hire a lawyer.
Filing the grievance form -
File the grievance form RP-524 with the assessor or the board of assessment review (BAR) in your town or village.
If your property is located in a village that assesses property, you
will have two assessments, one for the village and one for the town. To
grieve both assessments, you are required to file a separate Form RP-524
with both the town and village. Grievance dates for villages will vary
from towns, contact your village clerk to determine if your village
assesses property and for grievance dates.
In most communities, the deadline for submitting Form RP-524 is Grievance Day (see below). If you mail the form, it must be received
by the assessor or BAR no later than Grievance Day. If you do not file
the form by the deadline, you will lose the opportunity for
administrative and judicial review of your assessment this year.
In most communities, Grievance Day is the fourth Tuesday in May.
However, there are exceptions so check with your assessor to confirm
Grievance Day in your community.
If you have more questions please feel free to contact the County
Real Property office or visit the New York State Department of Taxation
and Finance web site at