Town Of Candor

Numbering of Buildings - 911

January 01, 1993
Table Of Contents:

Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1993

Numbering of Buildings

A Local Law requiring the display of authorized and assigned building numbers for every building fronting on any street in the Town of Candor outside the Village of Candor.

Be it enacted by the Town Board of the Town of Candor, New York, as follows:

Section 1. Legislative Findings:

The Board of Councilmen and Councilwomen of the Town of Candor finds that the lack of a Townwide requirement for the assigning and display of assigned numbers to the buildings within the Town has resulted in a general inability to quickly and conveniently locate an address and thus poses a problem of increasing severity in the delivery of mail, packages and most importantly the delivery of police, fire and medical emergency services.

For these reasons, the Town Board finds that enactment of a law to require the prominent display of numbers of buildings is both reasonable and appropriate; and that such law is authorized by the Town in the exercise of its police power and the Town Board hereby elects to do so.

Section 2. Purpose and Intent.

The purpose of this Local Law is to require the clear display of authorized and assigned numbers for certain buildings fronting on any street in the Town of Candor outside the Village of Candor. This is in order to assist the general public and providers of emergency services, delivery services and school bus services, public and private, to more easily identify any building within the Town in case of emergency or otherwise.

Section 3. Definitions.

BUILDING - Any enclosed structure having a roof and walls and built specifically for human use or occupancy either as a residence or in one or more commercial endeavors.

FRONT, FRONTAGE or FRONTING - That side of a lot or parcel of land which abuts or faces the street; or, in the case of corner lot or lots having streets on more than one side, the side or boundary of the lot which the main doorway of the building faces; or, in the case of lots served by an access strip or common driveway, frontage shall be where the access or driveway enters the public street.

MAP - The official map or maps prepared by the Town of Candor Fire Department for the purpose assigning of street address numbers to all of the buildings in the Town required to have such numbers pursuant to this Local Law.

OWNER - Any person or persons, natural or corporate, who are vested with fee simple title or a life estate to a building (or portion thereof), or who are responsible for the care, maintenance and payment of charges or levies of a building.

STREET - Any public or private right-of-way or thoroughfare utilized for vehicular traffic within the corporate limits of the Town.

Section 4. Assigning of Numbers

The Town Fire Department has previously been assigned the task canvassing the Buildings within the Town of Candor. In addition they have been directed to 'assign a number to each of such buildings in accordance with a standard scheme so that all buildings located on any specified street within the Town will be identified in a sequential order.

Section 5. Display of Numbers

Numbers or letters spelling a number shall be required on all buildings to which this Local Law applies both those now in existence and or hereafter erected which front on any street in the Town of Candor outside the Village of Candor and that such numbers shall meet the standards hereinafter described and that such shall be conspicuously placed and displayed thereon as provided hereinafter by this Local Law.

Section 6. Responsibility of property owners.

Whenever any buildings shall be erected or located in the Town of Candor outside the Village of Candor after the passage of this Local Law and in order to preserve the continuity and uniformity of numbers of the buildings it shall be the duty of the owner of the property to ascertain the correct number or numbers as designated, authorized and assigned by the Town Fire Department from the Town Fire Department for said building and to fasten on the building the proper marker clearly setting forth the correct number or numbers so assigned upon said building as required by this Local Law.

Section 7. Numbering Specifications.

  1. The owner of the property on which a building now fronts or which may hereafter front upon any public or private street shall, in accordance with this Local Law cause the designated, authorized and assigned number of such building to be permanently and conspicuously placed and displayed thereon in accordance with the specifications set forth herein. Numbers shall be placed at the time of construction or on an existing building within thirty (30) days of the adoption of this Local Law in accordance with the specifications set forth herein. Any building presently numbered shall display the existing number.
  2. Specifications. Building numbers shall be:

    1. (1) In numbers or letters spelling a number
    2. (2) A minimum height of three (3) inches.
    3. (3) Mounted in secure fashion to the front wall or porch of the building or fixed appurtenance on the front of the buildings so as to be clearly visible from the street.
    4. (4) Sufficiently legible as to contrasting background, arrangement, spacing and uniformity so as to be clearly visible from the street.
    5. (5) At least thirty (30) inches above ground level and so placed that trees, shrubs and other obstructions do not block the line of sight of the numbers from the street upon which the building fronts.
    6. (6) If possible, the numbers shall be placed alongside any existing outside lighting so as to be illuminated.
    7. (7) All buildings having glass fronts or glass doors may use decal type or hand lettered numerals placed on the glass of the main doorway or on the glass adjacent to or above the main doorway.
  3. Placement of numbers on post, rod or mailbox.

    1. (1) If the numbers affixed to the front of the building would not be visible from the street as required herein as an alternative thereto, requirements of this Local Law are satisfied if the owner shall provide the numbers, as required herein above, upon a post, rod or other type of fixture of substantial nature adj acent to a driveway leading to said building so that the number may be conspicuous and visible from either direction when travel ing on the road. The location shall not be greater than thirty (30) feet from the edge of the roadway. A mailbox, post or rod on the opposi te side of the street that the building fronts on will not satisfy the requirements of the Local Law.
    2. (2) In the case of apartment, condominium and/or townhouse complexes, the number posted shall be the official mailing address number. Numbers shall be placed on each building. The numbers shall be at least three (3) inches in height and shall be adequately visible from the roadways within any apartment, condominium and/townhouse complex. Each main entranceway shall display numbers at least three (3) inches in height of the apartments within the entranceway. Each apartment door shall display numbers and/or letters at least two (2) inches in height. A storm or screen door shall not obscure required numbers.

Section 8. Responsibility for posting numbers.

The posting of the numbers as required hereinabove shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property on which the building is located. In the case of an apartment complex, the responsibility shall be that of the owner of the property upon which the apartment complex is located. In the case of an condominium or townhouse complex, the responsibility shall be that of the owner of the condominium or townhouse.

Section 9. Notice to place numbers.

If the owner of the property on which a building is located shall fail, refuse or neglect to place the designated authorized and assigned number on the building or replace it when necessary, the Code Enforcement Officer may cause a notice to be personally served on such owner or mailed by registered mail to his last known address ordering him to place or replace the number. Such owner shall comply with such notice within thirty (30) days from date of service.

Section 10. Maintenance of numbers.

Each owner of property responsible as outlined in this Local Law shall be also responsible for the continued maintenance and legibility of the required numbers.

Section 11. Violations and penalties.

If the owner of the property upon wpich a building is located shall fail or refuse to display or cause to be displayed the number designated, authorized and assigned thereto in conformity with the provisions of this Local Law within thirty (30) days after notice to do so, he shall be liable upon conviction, for a penalty not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each offense, and each week after the giving of such notice shall constitute a separate offense.

Section 12. Enforcement.

The enforcing officer shall be the Code Enforcement Officer.

Section 13. Severability.

If any section or provision of this Local Law shall be held invalid in any court, the same shall not affect the other sections or provisions of this ordinance, except so far as the section or provision so declared invalid shall be inseparable for the remainder or any portion thereof.

Section 14. Effective date.

This Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1993 shall be effective immediately upon being filed in the office of the Secretary of state of the state of New York and shall be retroactive to all existing buildings in the Town of Candor at the time of its passage.

