Town Of Candor

Exemption of Veterans under Real Property

July 02, 1984

Local Law No. 3 of the Year 1984

A local law "Adoption of Alternative Exemptions for Veterans under Section 458-a of the Real Property Tax Law"

Be it enacted by the Board of Councilmen of the Town of Candor as follows:

The alternative exemptions granted to veterans by New York State Real Property Tax Law, Section 458-a, are hereby adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Candor, Tioga County, New York, and the Town Board further adopts by this Local Law to reduce the maximum exemptions allowable under subdivision 2, paragraphs (a) (b) and (c) thereof, of Section 45B-a of the Peal Property Tax Law, from "twelve thousand dollars, eight thousand dollars and forty thousand dollars", respectively, to read "six thousand dollars, four thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars", respectively.